Saturday, April 27, 2013

A free day in Amsterdam - this has been something they have been looking forward to all week.  First an early bus ride into the downtown to visit the Anne Frank house.  They endured the hour or so wait by catching up with the girls team and it passed quickly.

They left with a better understanding of what Anne Frank's life was like and what people are capable of, but cruelty as well as their resiliency.  A time for reflection.

Back out to the streets of Amsterdam and on to a canal ride through the city viewing the many sights, Mayor's house, Anne Frank House, historical churches, bridges, etc.  This was a great tour, and covered a lot of ground in a glass enclosed boat on the canal.  We had been seeing them throughout the trip and it was nice to be on the water.

Lunch in a nearby park...

The boys capped off their bag lunch with a stop at the waffle shop.

Then a little shopping, clearing out a few stores of stroopwaffles and kinder chocolates, as well as a few tourist items the boys had been eyeing.

At the Puma store the boys enjoyed the size 45 shoes

A bus ride back to the hostel with dinner capped off by a little slice of home - Ben & Jerry's ice cream was delivered for both squads, and was devoured most appreciatively.

And so it comes to an end, tomorrow we board the plane back home.

I think it is a team transformed.

See you all soon.... This is the Far Post U14B Holland Blogger... signing out.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Last training with Leo, and the team is exhausted.  But they have a great respect for Leo and what he has been teaching them these past few days.  They were working and trying to perform – but most of them struggled.

The boys presented Leo with a signed Far Post ball, some spirit gear.  And after some heartfelt goodbyes, the boys boarded the bus and we headed to Eindhoven to spend some of their parents hard earned money at the PSV Fan Shop.

They spent enough money that the team was invited into the stadium to at least take a look around before boarding the bus to head to Almere Waterwijk for the match.

The boys were going to play with only 11 players as Teddy Turnau’s eyes were irritated, but the boys didn’t blink, they just suited up and tried to come out fresh and see what they could do in their last match.

However, the other team’s strength, numbers, and ability were too much for our tired and weary group, regardless of how brave they were.  The boys held Waterwijk to 3-0 in the first half, but the game ended 12-0.  A tough pill to swallow for the coach and the boys, but they understood the situation.

The team interaction afterward went well but still showed a tired group.  But they devoured the fries & mayonnaise, as well as croquettes (fried meal and meat sticks).

Then back to Amsterdam.  And they are all looking forward to a little unwinding in the city with no more training for a while, and time to just enjoy the culture.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Back with Leo - and the boys are excited.  They knew what to expect, and new it wasn't going to be easy.  And it wasn't.  Practice was a struggle, the day off felt good and the return to exerting oneself, was a tough transition.

Then a little perspective on life as the boys were taken to the American Cemetery.  It really made the team think.  There were numerous discussions about their heritage, and many boys sought out the Vermont veterans, as well as Medal of Honor winners. 8,301 Americans buried here.  1700 of them unknown soldiers.  26 of them Vermonters.  Made us all pause and be grateful for what we have because of their sacrifice.  The dutch bus driver left an impression on the boys when he turned off the music out of respect, as the bus turned into the cemetery.

Then it was back to the practice pitch.  Another session with challenges and pushing their fitness.  And back to the hostel for some rest, shower, etc.  before game time at 6 pm.

The team struggled to get into a rhythm, and the competition was tough.  After a rough first half, the boys played better in the second.  They battled, but in the end it just wasn't enough.  The boys fell 4-0.

In the clubhouse or more specifically out on the patio of the clubhouse overlooking the turf pitch, the boys mingled with their hosts.  Coaches mixed in as well and these are some of the unique and memorable interactions that this trip has provided the boys.

Then it was back on the bus to the hostel.  A nice dinner.  Team meeting and an evening stroll into Maastricht.  Along the way we visited... yes a McDonald's and a local gelado shop.  Then back for some needed rest, as it all begins again in the morning.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A rest day at last... The team slept in this morning taking advantage of their time off.  Breakfast was pushed back an hour, then a few more games of pool. 

Before we boarded the bus there was a score to settle.  Trevor Cary & yours truly had been talking a little smack the day before - and it was time for a reckoning.  The loser had to carry the winner's baggage to the bus and to the next hostel.  Trevor chose to run barefoot for the 200 yard race.  Yes that's right he is faster barefoot.   The boys were placing .05 euro bets - it is safe to say I was a dark horse, but at least my son bet his money on his old man...  Was a great race the whole team came out - and at the finish Trevor was edged out by the old man - more so by Trevor's poor choice in footwear than from any lack of speed on his part.  Trevor earned a great deal of respect, as well as 3 band aids for some damaged toes in the process.  He did not have to carry my bags - in case you were wondering.

Then we boarded the bus for the ride to Kazematten.  Here the boys were split into three groups each with an adult (but a non-participating adult).  The adventure is going into the Medieval tunnels with only your flashlight and a guidebook indicating clues, and problems to solve to get through the maze of dark tunnels.  Each group was let in one at a time and had to work it's way through.  Shortest time "wins".  The winning team was:  Owen Finnegan, Jack Battistoni, Chris Barker, and Joe Franceschetti 2 hours and 16 minutes.  This was a great event, though I believe at least at one point or another all of the boys got worried about being lost underground and in the dark.  There was even a portion that flashlights had to be off and you had to work your way along the wall in total darkness holding the shoulder of the person in front of you and the other along the wall.  This was a little unsettling as well.  Was great for building a team, and learning about yourself and then even relating it to their roles within their soccer team.  Great learning experience.

Then we were off to the hostel and settled in, before walking the town and stopping for some waffles at PINKY.  The boys thought this was a little slice of heaven.  Unfortunately this was closing time for most of the stores in town and we began our walk back to the Hostel for the evening barbecue. 

Todd Kingsbury was the Grillmaster assisted competently by Brenden Hinman.  Food was packed away and needed protien added.  Then we met back in the lounge to watch the Dortmund v. Real Madrid UEFA match...

Looking forward to the next training with Leo in the morning...   

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another day with Leo, and the start of the first practice was showing a little fatigue... natural enough with the workouts, but the expectations the coaches have are higher.  And after some calling out - the boys responded with an excellent conclusion to the practice.

This was what the coaches were driving towards, focus and physical play even while fatigued.  This was to be a day of exactly that.  The second practice of the day was similar - good energy, but then it dropped off and after getting on the team - they responded...

This was the perfect setup for the match at De Valk FC.   The team rented bikes for the full Dutch Experience - biking to the game.  This was a wonderful 15 minute ride through town as a team, and added to the magic of the day. 

Yes that's right the locker room door sign says "Field 3"  "Americans"...  Awesome

At the game the boys played their best soccer to date, and were dog tired doing so.  It was a complete team effort with great midfield work and linked play in particular "Captain" Thomas Pierce, Jack Battistoni, and Joey Franceschetti was noteworthy.  Also worth particular mention was keeper Brenden Hinman who punched away a number of shots, and his goal kicks and punts were all huge.  Again ALL 11 played very well.  Focus was there for the full game, and the technique was a high level, even with exaustion.  The final score was a 0-0 draw.

The boys then were invited into the clubhouse and they boys again thrived.  They mixed in among the home team and the chatter continued until we had to leave.  The coaches were also most gracious and a wonderful time was had by all.  But with the  Bayern Munich v. Barcelona game for the Semi's of the UEFA Championship and impending darkness, the boys had to hop on their bikes and head back to the Hostel.

From one bystander - this was the best day yet, as far as soccer development goes...  This will be one they remember.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Well today the boys began the day meeting the KVNB master coach “Leo”.  Leo provides immediate feedback, but does so in such a way that the boys were smiling.  He developed a few special relationships and a few players earned nicknames our “Goalie”, Brenden Hinman and “Captain” Thomas Pierce.  This must be said with the right Dutch accent and vigor to really have the proper effect on the boys, but it was wonderful to watch.

The boys thrived in the intense trainings, but were also drained after 3-4 hours of work.  But there was not much time to rest as the team was playing at league champion Valkenswaard.

The team ate an early dinner and attempted a little rest before the match.  They began like a team possessed.  They took it to the home team the whole of the first half.  Far Post led 2-0 with goals by “Captain” Thomas Pierce and Teddy Turnau.

Unfortunately the physical and more prominently the mental fatigue took a hold in the second half after an odd goal, brought the home team within a goal.  And the boys began to allow the tiredness to govern their play.   They ended up losing the match 4-2.

And then they responded in the clubhouse with a respect and openness that should make all the parents proud.  They integrated into conversations mixing in among the opposing team and even made enough of an impression with their new friends that a few offered to try to make the Far Post game in the neighboring town tomorrow.

The below picture outside the Valkenswaard clubhouse.